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Our events aim at enabling a learning-by-doing approach
Intensive courses
SciCultureD Meets & Co-Creative Workshops
2) SciCultureD Co-creative Workshops that see participants working with the SciCultureD associated network and local stakeholders to address local societal and environmental challenges (target audiences: primary and secondary school teachers, academics, other HEIs, NGOs, SMEs and entrepreneurs, policy makers and government officials, and other stakeholders).
Hybrid Open Conference and final exhibition
Research, education and social impact: this is how we do it.
The team at the University of Malta is responsible for creating and maintaining the main communication channels for SciCultureD, including the website, social media channels, Slack channels to facilitate access to information & updates about SciCultureD. Besides, the website acts as repository for educational materials, videos, publications related to the main topics of SciCultureD: transdisciplinary approaches, creative pedagogies, multidisciplinary courses, creativity and more.
Back in 2019, the SciCulture project released the Course Kit – our main tool to design and run the intensive courses at SciCultureD. This task aims at keeping the toolkit up to date based on state-of-the-art scientific evidence and adapting it to real-world needs from users through testing and feedback implementation.
- Feedback survey [under construction]
- Expansion kit(s) [under construction]
- Testing sessions: 2022, 2023
SciCultureD is testing and adapting the CourseKit to address environmental and societal issues in our events, with the additional goal to incorporate these values in each institution’s CPD and ECTS courses. This task will also embed policy change to enhance societal inclusion, equity, & sustainability within institutions.
- Publications on state-of-the-art of transdisciplinary approaches in higher education [under construction]
- Gap analysis of CPDs & ECTS undergraduate courses for transdisciplinarity [under construction]
- Policy recommendations to improve CPDs and ECTS [under construction]
Participants who undertake the course are expected to develop skill sets that will enhance their employability and critical thinking skills, performance and other arts-related skills & develop techniques that encourage open-ended transdisciplinary teamwork. These participants are able to join the SciCultureD ambassador network, mentored by the partner institutions, organizing SciCultureD Meets and Co-Creative workshops using interactive artistic and creative approaches.
- Ambassadors artworks and activities
- Exhibition at the final conference
This task will start with a comprehensive review of relevant theoretical approaches in evaluation of science communication models and initiatives that incorporate creative, systems and design thinking aspects and entrepreneurial approaches. Besides, each intensive course will be evaluated through self assessment & reflection tools to measure impact of the course on participants. A set of impact assessment tools and indicators for evaluation of the SciCultureD approach have been designed to best evaluate SciCultureD events.
- Set of impact assessment tools for the course
- Review
After each course, a mentorship and accreditation programme encourages course participants to develop a SciCultureD Ambassador Network. This network is involved in the project’s multiplier events to broaden project reach outside of the consortium to help achieve ambassadors further develop their skills and projects in their local communities.
- Ambassador Network
- Badging system
- Mentoring system [under construction]
- SciCultureD co-creative workshops [coming soon]