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SciCultureD Meets in Athens, 2022

Ambassadors > Events > Athens 2022

Slide presented by ScienceView
The event took place at the Department of Management Science and Technology of the University of Peloponnese in Greece, and was organized by ScienceView on 19th October 2022.


In this workshop the participants had the opportunity to experience ways and methods that are useful for the development, application and implementation of their ideas (for example, the Design Thinking Approach). It also presented different methods throght which these ideas can be supported by the experts of the SciCultureD project.

Participants were introduced to the  ScicultureD project and the Design Thinking methodology. Students worked in groups, on their own idea (resulting from a discussion within their group), using the Design Thinking methodology. They presented their idea and the individual steps for its implementation in a plenary session to all the other participants in the event. Discussion about the ideas and Design Thinking methodology and ScCultureD program followed the presentations.

Presentation of SciCultureD project
Presentation of the SciCulturreD project and its methodology (10')
Design Thinking
Presentation of the Design Thinking methodology (20')
Application of Design Thinking
Developing ideas and managing them so that they are implemented (application of the Design Thinking methodology) – (30')
Developing ideas and managing them so that they are implemented (application of the Design Thinking methodology) – (30')
Presentation of each team's results (20')
Discussions and Networking
Presentation of opportunities for cooperation with the project and guidance from the experts - Discussion (30')

SciCultureD Meets: hybrid artistic and entrepreneurial events

After the intensive courses, the participants are invited to join the SciCultureD Meets, a multiplier even that showcases the course participant’s design, performance, event management, marketing and event-related skills to embed their new skills and knowledge. The event format is determined by the SciCultureD course participants as dictated by a student-led, open-ended process. The event brings in new audiences in particular other researchers, designers, artists, makers, innovators, entrepreneurs, public engagement practitioners and other academics, but also citizens interested in the topics. The activities can include dialogues and/or workshops alongside some form of artistic, scientific and/or entrepreneurial expression in an engaging and inspiring format.

Event Objectives: 

  1. SciCultureD event organised in collaboration with the course participants to maximise their learning while sharing best practice. Organising the event after the course will help cement the mentorship and SciCultured ambassador programme (D6)
  2. To engage different groups of citizens and community groups (eNGOs), and relevant targets groups (HEI students (undergraduates, postgraduates), various professionals and early career researchers). 
  3. This series of multiplier events aim is to build a transdisciplinary network focused on improving the health, well-being and cohesiveness of EU society and its environment.

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