Welcome to SciCultureD
Bursting Disciplinary Bubbles to Enable Change
Discover our free toolkits and our open-access resources on transdisciplinary and creative education to foster social impact.
Or get in touch with us for a workshop!
SciCultureD was an Erasmus+ project that run from 2022 to 2024 looking for solutions to society’s pressing issues using transdisciplinary and collaborative approaches in education.
Creatively plan a transdisciplinary course, module or science communication events that responds to a given societal challenge
The ScicultureD project released three freely available toolkits to design transdisciplinary and impact-oriented activities (educational or science communication) integrating Design Thinking, Creative Pedagogies and other methodologies!
EngageD kit
CourseKit Lite
The Lite Version
Tap into ScicultureD reports on transdisciplinary courses and our open-access resources
Project reports
Project Reports
Academic Research
Academic Evidence Base
Self-Reflection Tool for HEIs on TD
SRT for HEIs
Collaborate with us!
Would you like to organize a training using the CourseKit or the EngageDkit to design transdisciliplinary activities with a social impact?
Contact us!