Welcome to SciCultureD
Bursting Disciplinary Bubbles to Enable Change
Discover our free toolkits and our open-access resources on transdisciplinary and creative education to foster social impact.
Or get in touch with us for a workshop!
SciCultureD was an Erasmus+ project that run from 2022 to 2024 looking for solutions to society’s pressing issues using transdisciplinary and collaborative approaches in education.
Creatively plan a transdisciplinary course, module or science communication events that responds to a given societal challenge
The ScicultureD project released three freely available toolkits to design transdisciplinary and impact-oriented activities (educational or science communication) integrating Design Thinking, Creative Pedagogies and other methodologies!
CourseKit Lite
EngageD kit
Tap into ScicultureD reports on transdisciplinary courses and our open-access resources
Project reports
Project Reports
Academic Research
Academic Evidence Base
Self-Reflection Tool for HEIs on TD
SRT for HEIs
Collaborate with us!
Would you like to organize a training using the CourseKit or the EngageDkit to design transdisciliplinary activities with a social impact?
Contact us!