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Courses & Examples

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Course Examples

Here we share our own course planning examples that we developed as a SciCulture team using CourseKit. We provide examples from the Delft April 2021 course and the Malta November 2021 course. In each case, there is a screenshot of the first ‘layer’ of planning which shows the early play of the Design Thinking and Creative Pedagogies cards. There is then a screenshot of the more complex, close to final CourseKit plan for that course, followed by the programme that was delivered.  We hope exploring these will help you to see the possibilities inherent in CourseKit, and inspire you to develop your own course, programme or module.

We hope it is clear that working in CourseKit is not an exact science but a fluid playful experience between a group of collaborating colleagues, who will choose to prioritise card play dependent on their thinking and discussions at that time. The examples are not intended to provide a fixed representation of the course programme or experience but to offer the representational essence of what the course strives to offer.


First layer plan Delft April 2021:

Close to final CourseKit plan Delft April 2021:


Programme Delft April 2021:



First layer plan Malta November 2021:


Close to final CourseKit plan Malta November 2021:

Programme Malta 2021: