SciCultureD multiplier event: a co-creation workshop on Open Innovation
On 29th November 2023, city2science partners organized the first multiplier event in Germany on Open-Innovation.
Following the success of the last course held in April in Bochum , our partners teamed up with the local SciCultureD alumni to explore collaborative approaches to research and development.
Co-creative workshops like this one help disseminate transdisciplinary approaches and practices to a wider audience of practitioners.
The one-day workshop on open innovation as a mindset for collaboration was designed following the design thinking methodology, explained Basel Myhub, project manager at city2science. The workshop started with understanding and discovering (discover phase). In addition to the input, participants were asked to identify general advantages and difficulties in adopting open innovation (Define phase). After that, participants were asked them to propose themes that they would have liked to take as examples to get to know more what does open innovation mean and its advantages/difficulties (develop phase). For example, one proposed topic was on how to start a process to have an open access platform for all relevant data of the city (geophysical data, playgrounds, markets, air quality, light pollution, etc).
Participants were asked then to identify main stakeholders for each of the 4 challenges and then to play their roles. The next step was to develop solutions or action plans on how to translate this understanding into a process of engaging stakeholders effectively (deliver phase). In the final phase, participants and facilitators engaged in a discussion about the process and what to do next.
Read city2science insights below
About Open Innovation
Open Innovation is a collaborative approach to research and development that involves integrating external ideas, expertise, and resources into the innovation process. It departs from the traditional closed innovation model, where ideas and knowledge are generated and developed internally. Open Innovation approach encourages organizations to actively seek external collaborations and tap into a broader network of stakeholders, including researchers, industry experts, customers and multiple publics outside these organizations.
Open Innovation extends significant opportunities to society at large. It provides access to diverse expertise from academia, industry, and more, facilitating innovative solutions to societal challenges like healthcare and climate change. This approach accelerates progress, making it effective for urgent issues. Moreover, it’s cost-effective and fosters social cohesion by promoting inclusivity and cooperation. Ultimately, open innovation empowers communities, organizations, and individuals to collectively address significant societal challenges and drive positive change.
Despite the many benefits of Open Innovation, there are major challenges that prevent it from being properly implemented. Problems such as intellectual property concerns, resisting organizational culture, lack of trust among collaborators, Cultural and language barriers, and Resource constraints are but a few examples of challenges that contribute to the slow adoption of Open Innovation.