ScicultureD past events
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Discover the ScicultureD events from 2022 to 2024
This section collects all the multiplier events organized by the partners.
SciCultureD Co-creation workshop 2024 in Norway
The event was planned as a workshop focussing on reuse in agriculture, titled “From fromic acid to red wine” (based on the life cycle of a formic acid container on the event arranger’s farm). The target group was farmers and other stakeholders interested in reuse in agriculture. After the SciCultureD project and its main elements had been presented, an expert from the science centre introduced participants to the big picture on circular economy and product development. A stakeholder from the local renovation company, SIMAS, enlightened the attendees with information about local agricultural waste and how this was recycled or reused. The EU funded White Cycle Project was briefly introduced by an HVL researcher and research assistant.

SciCultureD Co-creation workshop 2024
EngageD Kit: Play and Design Impactful Sci-Comm Activities is a role-play and design thinking based workshop to enhance sci-comm skills, focusing on inclusive and creative public engagement that took place within the Science in the City, Malta’s National Arts and Science festival, pre-festival programme on Friday 13th September.
The workshop was led by Dr Edward Duca, Valentina Delconte (Faculty of Education – SciCultureD) and Daniel Solberg Bell (student at the University of Malta and SciCultureD Ambassador).

SciCultureD Meets 2024 in Malta
The ScicultureD team organized the opening event (vernissage) of ‘CONNECT—Communities for Change’ art exhibition on Tuesday 29th October at 19:00 in the Bozza Hamra gallery (Valletta) inviting the artists, ambassadors and project partners to get together.
The launch introduced participants to the ScicultureD project, its core values and the arts exhibit to ignite dialogue and reflection about the power of the arts in fostering positive change within our communities through creative thinking and transformative experiences.

SciCultureD Co-creation workshop in Greece 2024
ScienceView organized the 4th multiplier event (ME4). The event took place in 2 parts due to the fact that the targeted audiences were coming from different categories: on the 30th and 31st of March 2024 in the premises of Ellinogermaniki Agogi targeting educators from primary and secondary school as well as to post and undergraduates, policy makers and parents. The event was organised in the framework of Science View’s initiative ‘Learning Science Through Theater’ which is part of the SciCultureD Intensive Courses programme. The 2nd Part took place on the 5th and 6th of June in the premises of University of Peloponnese in Tripoli in collaboration with key innovation and entrepreneurship networks of the University such as the Laboratory of Strategic Management, Quality Management and Human-Centered Technologies (SQT-UOP) and the Software Systems and Databases Laboratory (SODA). This event targeted researchers and university students.

SciCultureD Co-creation workshop in Germany, 2024

Credits: Luisa Hegner/HSRW
SciCultureD Meets in Germany, 2024
SciCultured Co-creative Workshops — Using the SciCultured pedagogical approach and toolkit will be led by city2Science as part of the Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation (SciComm Forum), which will take place in Bielefeld on 15-17 November 2023. On Thursday 16th November, participants will be invited to co-create scenarios for dialogue-oriented Third Places. The workshop will build upon the pedagogical approach of SciCultureD and promote it.

SciCultureD Meets in Greece, 2022
The event took place at the Department of Management Science and Technology of the University of Peloponnese in Greece, and was organized by ScienceView on 19th October 2022. In this workshop the participants had the opportunity to experience ways and methods that are useful for the development, application and implementation of their ideas (for example, the Design Thinking Approach). It also presented different methods throght which these ideas can be supported by the experts of the SciCultureD project.